Gallery #大理

Welcome to「zy::o::gallery」😊
This is a new section I created in mid-2024, for posting my photography at this moment and illustrations in the future possibly, who knows;).

A brief introduction

The Gallery mainly consists of collections, such as Aperture Monthly, which is used for organizing photos on a monthly basis.
Collections mainly consists of albums. For example, each album within Aperture Monthly are organized monthly, containing the photos I've accumulated over the last month. Commenting area is set up accordingly in each album.
At the bottom of the current page is a collage section of all the work in the albums, which are organized chronologically from the closest to the most distant. For easy retrieval, each piece is roughly labeled and graded, and you can use the buttons in front of the collage section to filter the pieces for purposeful browsing.


All unspecified works are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, i.e. you can share almost any work on the section without using it commercially or removing the original author's attributions. In addition, please don't distribute modified (i.e., derivatives) versions, unless I'm informed about it in advance.