为 Sony Walkman 升级国际版固件

为 Sony Walkman 升级国际版固件

前言 因为要使用到 Apple Music/YouTube Music 流媒体应用需要 Google Play 框架,所以要给国行版播放器刷上国际版的系统。 之前在 YouTube 上的一个视频(Channel @杰哥Jason_Vlog)了解到给 NW-ZX505 国行版本刷国际版系统的方法,成功地通过下载系统更新固件包,使用系统自带的“系统更新”应用我的 NW-A105 上升级为国际版系统,后面也在对下载地址作了小调整后也成功地升级了我的 NW-Z706。今天发现系统更新到版本2.0了看看有什么优化没有,但不知道为什么,原视频好像随频道一起不见了,于是在这里记录一下以方便后面有需要的人找到正确的方法。 安装包下载 首先是找到正确的下载地址得到响应的系统更新包:先通过 Sony …

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Dream review on 23rd December

Dream review on 23rd December

Notice: This article is only available in Chinese. :( 刚醒来的时候,发现自己身处一狭窄的房间中。四周的地板边缘发出暗淡的深蓝色的光;面前有只有几步的小台阶,直连一截狭隘的走廊;走廊右侧便有一更小的房间,其中有着更加黯淡的深蓝色光芒。回想着不久之前发生的一切:天空突然的阴晦,喷气背包燃料的耗尽 … 是些什么记忆,如同梦境一般。 黑夜里的航海人突然从岸上醒来般的震惊使我坐了起来。我用手支撑着自己,同时听到了小房间里的金属碰撞的声音。 “Who is …

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Mudmood Gallery

Mudmood Gallery

Not only is this page a tunes' list, but also a gallery to match music with vivid artistic photos or paitings. Just come up with an idea, and this project (if could be called so) is still in process. List kept updating. Every item comes with a link to the source of the tune and a photo or paiting from Unsplash, Pexels or others, used under …

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Apply for friendly link

Apply for friendly link

Welcome exchanging friendly links! please write an email or turn to board and have your message left on it. Shall not be serious, making friends comes first, under few requirements: Originally published ones are especially fond of HTTPS is of great importance (HSTS much better) Website runs steadily, have done a little with the improvement of …

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